Business Rallies

Whether for employees or business partners, congress or meeting, we have the right program. Afterwork event, teambuilding, incentive or onboarding – our rallies are perfectly suited. We offer two different ways to experience Vienna: Analog with game sheet & map or with tablet computers from the Vienna Riddle Rally.

Bespoke Tablet Rally

  • Tablet computers from Vienna Riddle Rally / Event Agency Himbeere
  • Customized game with clients logo, company questions/tasks,…
  • From/to + duration individual, GPS team tracking, event statistics, photos, videos,…
  • All-round carefree package with personal support, award ceremony,…

  • Price: see price list

Indoor Tablet Rally – The lost book

  • Indoor tablet rally (solve puzzles, crack codes, be creative,…)

  • Tablets & equipment from the event agency Himbeere

  • Duration: 2 – 4 hours

  • Up to 200 people

  • Price: see price list

Vienna Explorers Business Tablet Rally

  • For tourists and all those who do not know the city yet

  • Tablets from Vienna Riddle Rally (minimum = 3 tablets)

  • Personal support & rally hotline

  • Duration: flexible, approx. 2 – 3 hours

  • Price: from € 29.20 net per participant

Vienna Explorers Business Rally

  • For tourists and all those who do not know the city yet

  • Game sheet & map

  • Personal support, rally hotline

  • Duration: approx. 2,5 hours
  • Price: from € 18,50 net per participant

Vienna Insiders Business Tablet Rally

  • For companies from Vienna and vicinity

  • Tablet computers from Vienna Riddle Rally (minimum = 3 tablets)

  • Personal support & rally hotline

  • Duration: flexible, approx. 2 – 3 hours

  • Price: from € 29,20 net per participant

Vienna Insiders Business Rally

  • For companies from Vienna and vicinity

  • Game sheet & map

  • Personal support, rally hotline

  • Duration: approx. 2,5 hours

  • Price: from € 18,50 net per participant

Bespoke Business Rally

  • Game sheet & map

  • Customized game with clients logo, company questions/tasks,…

  • From/to + duration individual

  • All-round carefree package with personal support, award ceremony,…

  • Price: see price list

Prater Business Tablet Rally

  • Discover the Prater in a playful way with the Vienna Riddle Rally tablets

  • Personal support, rally hotline

  • Duration: approx. 2.5 hours

  • Price: from € 34,80 net per participant

Schönbrunn Business Tablet Rally

  • Discover Schönbrunn Palace Park in a fun way with tablets from the Vienna Riddle Rally

  • Personal support, rally hotline

  • Duration: approx. 2.5 hours

  • Price: from € 37,50 net per participant

Retro Rally Business with Polaroids

  • Vienna rally with original Polaroid cameras and 8 photo themes

  • Analog with game sheet & map

  • Personal support, rally hotline

  • Duration: approx. 3 hours

  • Price: from € 29,00 net per participant

Individual Tablet Rally (outside of Vienna)

  • Tablet rally in a place of your choice

  • Customized game with clients logo, company questions/tasks,…

  • From/to + duration individual, GPS team tracking, event statistics, photos, videos,…

  • All-round carefree package with personal support, award ceremony,…

  • Price: see price list

Tablet Rally Business Christmas in Vienna

  • Discover Vienna’s city centre during Advent in a fun way with the Vienna Puzzle Rally tablets
  • Personal support, rally hotline

  • Duration: approx. 2,5 hours

  • from € 29.20 net per participant

Our references